

Developer: World Forge
Publisher in Russia: Russobit-M
Genre: RTS
Status: in development stage, PC release is planned on 2008.


Global warming is unavoidable. After 50 years people finally made certain that the level of water was coming up faster and faster. The panic, local conflicts and fight for resources began.

It seemed to be that there was no way out. But salvation came…in the form of the enemy. Aliens from a parallel world, unable to live outside of hydrosphere, attacked without any warning. Many people called them Atlanteans, decided that aliens were the descendants of creatures who inhabited mythical Atlantis.

The enemy brought the technology of terramorphing and those possibilities in landscape change turned to be incredible. People captured the first samples of that powerful weapon and immediately turned it against aliens and implacable elements…


  • Classic strategy in real time gives the genre a new tactical elementterramorphing.

  • 2 races possessing unique abilities: it’s not easy for people to fight in the water, for Atlanteans on the land.

  • 20 missions, 30 hours of a gameplay process.

  • Incredibly believable physics of water: rivers, lakes, seas – everything flows, everything changes.

  • True simulation of natural reservoir effects: tsunamis, storms and lots of others.